Комментарии участников:
Я увидел
такое у впервые.
POP3 клиент работает, письма проверяет, об ошибке не сообщает. Что он там проверяет и проверяет ли — неизвестно.

Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.
POP3 клиент работает, письма проверяет, об ошибке не сообщает. Что он там проверяет и проверяет ли — неизвестно.
Gmail is temporarily unavailable. Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes. We're sorry for the inconvenience.:)
Мне приходят алерты о новых пиьсмах через GTalk но открыть я их не могу, видимо просто проблема с веб интерфейсом г-почты
вот похоже главная новость на дигге

10 things to do while Gmail is down
1. Panic!
2. Check other Google services. Search is up. Docs are down. Blogger is up.
3. Share this information with your friends via Gmail. Ho, no, it's down. Ok, via Gtalk. Damn. down with Gmail. Ok, Via Twitter! 1014 messages queued 1 hour into the downtime…
4. Check it again every 3 minutes.
5. Accept that it's really down, start reading news, comics, stuff you never get to.
6. Play Solitare.
7. Post the shortage on your facebook status.
8. Blog about it.
9. Send the post to Digg.
10. Go to lunch.
1. Panic!
2. Check other Google services. Search is up. Docs are down. Blogger is up.
3. Share this information with your friends via Gmail. Ho, no, it's down. Ok, via Gtalk. Damn. down with Gmail. Ok, Via Twitter! 1014 messages queued 1 hour into the downtime…
4. Check it again every 3 minutes.
5. Accept that it's really down, start reading news, comics, stuff you never get to.
6. Play Solitare.
7. Post the shortage on your facebook status.
8. Blog about it.
9. Send the post to Digg.
10. Go to lunch.