Graham Phillips отвечает на письмо Министерства иностранных дел и по делам Содружеств Великобритании

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Graham Phillips отвечает на письмо Министерства иностранных дел и по делам Содружеств Великобритании
Thank you for your email. Firstly, on a factual point, I’m not in Ukraine, I am in Novorossiya, which voted to secede from Ukraine in referendums last May 11th, after the violent revolution of Euromaidan installed an unelected, far-right government.

However, I do sincerely appreciate your concern for my wellbeing, and am grateful for your having written to me.

In terms of the points you raise, I accept that my working practices may appear unconventional. However they are easily explainable – I wear camouflage when filming from frontline positions so as not to attract extra attention to those I am with, or myself. The Ukrainian military are equally inclined to shoot journalists as combatants. I wear ‘separatist insignias’ because I think Novorossiya is a beautiful country. I’ve taken part in firearm drills to augment my experience, and understanding, as a war correspondent.

The line, delineation, of my role here as a correspondent is thus perfectly clear, simply there are those who choose to blur it for their own ends. None of my working practices contravene any laws, all are utilised to the end of my wish to be the best correspondent possible.

I will be back in the United Kingdom shortly, for a break after over 6 months of continuous work here. I appreciate the support of my country, in a diplomatic capacity, and hope that my work here has enlightened our nationals to the real situation here, rather than the skewered misrepresentation sadly perpetrated by much of the British media, and the mistaken position of the British government.

My very best wishes for now Sarah, and do keep in touch. I am proud to be British, proud of my country. However, I am ashamed of our country’s position regarding events in Donbass, and am doing as much as I can to correctly represent the honour, and history, of our great nation.
Добавил yache yache 20 Февраля 2015
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Комментарии участников:
норд, 20 Февраля 2015 , url
Ну там было письмо в тоне таком, что мол Грэм там носит военную форму, нашивки Новоросии и был замечен с оружием. И как бы достопочтимые лорды беспокоятся — не произошло ли рызмывание границ «корреспондент» и «ополченец» у Грема Филипса.
«Particular things that have raised concerns include being photographed while wearing military uniforms, separatist insignia, or holding firearms. We are very concerned that you may be putting yourself in danger through these types of activities which could be seen as a blurring of the line between journalism and active involvement in a conflict.»

На что он отвечает:
«In terms of the points you raise, I accept that my working practices may appear unconventional. However they are easily explainable – I wear camouflage when filming from frontline positions so as not to attract extra attention to those I am with, or myself. The Ukrainian military are equally inclined to shoot journalists as combatants. I wear ‘separatist insignias’ because I think Novorossiya is a beautiful country. I’ve taken part in firearm drills to augment my experience, and understanding, as a war correspondent. „

… Я ношу камуфляж, так как я тут вообще-то на войне, хотелось бы заметить, дорогой лорд, а украинцам тут вообще похрену — в форме прессы ты или в камуфляже — стреляют во всех.
А нашивки Новороссии — так я симпатизирую ей и вообще, я думаю, эта страна замечательна! Ну а то что с оружием видели — так я тут тренировался слегонца, чтобы понимать, что такое война и все такое — я ведь военный журналист.

Ну и дальше там пишет, что типа я скоро в англию на побывку приеду — готовьтесь там, а то расслабились на местном укропе (упс, каламбур!) — всякую ахинею гоните про Новороссию и вообще…
locknload, 20 Февраля 2015 , url
Хорошо написал, молодца
firevoodoo, 20 Февраля 2015 , url
Go Graham, Go!
1sr, 20 Февраля 2015 , url
yache, 20 Февраля 2015 , url
Почему этот английский такой русский?

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